Manifesting Not Being Anxious

How manifesting can Help with Anxiety

Can you manifest not being anxious? Yes, you can, actually. Surprising, isn’t it.
There are two essential steps in the manifesting process that help with overcoming anxiety.
I’ve had a very full on time recently. Very sadly, I lost my mum. 
And, as if that wasn’t enough, I had another very big project to sort out at the same time. 
 I found myself quite anxious at times, grieving, and wondering if I could manage everything, sometimes even waking up at night worrying. 
While in the thick of it, I found out there are two steps that I do in manifesting that are really helpful here.

Aim high, know your ideal outcome

1. Scripting

I use scripting in my manifesting process, which means writing down your ideal scenario, for example the ideal outcome of a problem you’re having.
I usually aim quite high – I mean, I go for my absolute dream outcome, the best I can possible imagine. 
Sometimes while I write it down it seems that the current reality is so far away from my ideal outcome that it would take a miracle for my wishes to come true.
But that’s fine! 

Hand it over to the universe

2. Surrender

The other step that I use in manifesting, which is crucial here, is surrender.

So, once you know what you want you hand it over to the universe. You let go. You surrender.
I’ve practiced this process many times.
So whenever I got into that anxious state, whenever I was stressing or woke up at night worrying, it was really natural for me to fall back on asking the universe to sort it all out for me. 
I naturally turned to the universe and handed it over. I gave it to the Divine and said, can you look after all this? And can you solve these problems that I’m facing?
I did that again and again and again… 
And now when I look back at my scripting just a few weeks or a month later, everything has come true!
All the outcomes I had wished for have happened. Exactly what I wanted.
All these miracles – things that were hard to imagine beforehand – happened quite naturally. 
The Universe, the Divine, and our Guardian Angels really want to help and they love it when we give them permission to step in and sort it out.

Surrender as your go-to state

My point is, both knowing what you want and surrendering are two important steps (in the four step process) of manifesting your dream life.
Because I had practiced this a lot I suddenly realised that it had become my go-to-reaction, even when my mind was blurry with worry and anxiety.
What I found is that when we’ve experienced first hand that the universe has our back and comes through for us then these steps can work really well when we get anxious.
If you would like more help with overcoming anxiety check out my offers for 1-to-1 coaching or have a look at my program Manifesting Mastery which, at the moment, comes with private sessions.

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