What Is Manifesting?
Manifesting means you consciously create your dream life, in collaboration with the universe.
When you’re manifesting you’re creating your best life. You consciously call in the life you want. But you’re not doing it alone. You are using the power of the universe to help you.
Manifesting means you and the universe are collaborating
How Does Manifesting Work?
There are two components.
And the universe.
Together, you’re unstoppable.
If you do it right.
To do it right, there are certain parts of the process that you have to do to be manifesting.
And there are certain parts you have to hand over to the universe. You have to let the universe do its thing.
Otherwise you’re just goal setting.
Don’t get me wrong, goal setting is great. But you’re doing everything yourself. That means you are limited in what you can do.
Manifesting is different. To be manifesting you enlist that powerful ally – the universe.
Or you can call it the Divine. Spirit. Your Spirit Team. Source. God. Your Guardian Angel. Your Higher Self. Pick a term you’re comfortable with.
I personally like to say the universe. Or, the Divine.
In any case, it is a force that is greater than you. A force that has higher knowing.
Words are not really adequate to explain this but you probably have some idea of what I’m talking about. We all have moments where we feel connected to something bigger. A sense of being held. A deep knowing that everything is as it should be. A trust that all will make sense eventually.
And it always feels so good, doesn’t it? This sense of connection to something greater.
This is because this something greater, the universe, the Divine, has unconditional love for you. Unstoppable, never ending, unconditional love. It IS love.
This eternal love is the source of your soul. Deep down there is a part of you that still remembers. And this love is here for you, to nourish you and care for you.
That’s why you’re unstoppable when you team up. When you work together with the universe you can manifest your dream life.
4 Steps to Start Manifesting
How to Start Manifesting?
So how do you start manifesting? How do you start that collaboration with the universe?
As I said, there are certain parts of the process that we have to do.
And certain parts that we have to hand over to the universe.
So to start manifesting we first need to understand that life is a co-creation. Half of it is on us!
This means, life doesn’t happen TO us. We’re responsible for what our life looks like.
This might feel like bad news – maybe we don’t much like the life we have right now?
But the good news is, because we’re responsible for our life, we can change this. We’re in the pilot seat! So that means we can change course.
How To Start Manifesting
To stick with the plane analogy:

1. The first step to start manifesting is to realise that you are in the pilot seat. You can steer your life anywhere you want.
You are in charge of your life.
Not fate, your husband, your kids, your boss, your paycheck, your schooling, your bad (or good!) karma…
You might ask if we’re responsible for creating our life then why isn’t our life already perfect? Why do we have arguments with our husband, or a cranky boss, or not enough money? Why would we create such a difficult life for us?
Here’s why.
It’s because although we’re in the pilot seat, our plane flies on autopilot. We don’t steer the plane. We’re on automatic.
And when we’re on autopilot and we don’t pay attention to where the autopilot is taking us, it is no surprise that we often end up in places we didn’t want to go!
So we need to grab hold of the steering wheel and consciously fly the plane.

2. The second step is to get out of autopilot and take hold of the steering wheel
I know it often doesn’t feel like we are in charge of our life.
At the same time, we’re often not actually aware that we’re on autopilot!
So these first two steps are crucial.
What do I mean by autopilot?
I mean that we often just react to life.
For example, if we’re looking for a partner, we might sign up to a dating app and look who’s available.
If we’re looking for a new job we look at the job ads to see what’s available.
That is just reacting to what’s out there, trying to select the best of what’s on offer.
However, if we’re consciously steering the plane we consciously set our dream destination ourselves. We ask ourselves, what is my dream job? Or, who is my ideal partner?
Who or what do I want to call in to my life?
So, to continue with the plane analogy,

3. The third step in manifesting is to become aware of our dream destination
So, what does your ideal job look like? Do you need flexible hours to allow for childcare, do you want a job that makes use of your language skills or where your team building skills are appreciated?
The same with your ideal partner. What is important to you in a relationship? A good listener? Being seen? Feeling secure? And what exactly makes you feel secure – knowing you’re his queen and he’d never be unfaithful? Or the paycheck he brings home every month?
Anything is allowed!
This is important. Don’t constrain yourself with thoughts such as, “I have to be realistic” or “Such a job (or man!) doesn’t exist” or “I should be so lucky – I don’t really deserve such a wonderful partner”.
Notice these thoughts – notice any fear you might feel in your belly, any doubt, any feeling of not being good enough, or not feeling safe… We will work with those later!
But for now, this is just a mental exercise of what you would love to have in your life. It is perfectly safe. Don’t hold back! And be completely honest with yourself.
If you could have anything you really want – what would that be?
This goes for anything you want to call in to your life
Maybe you want wealth and a certain lifestyle? Or travel, freedom, success, purpose, meaning?
For the moment, pick ONE. (More will come later!)

4. The fourth step is to add how you want to feel
So now we need to go deeper. Say, you want to call in wealth into your life. Just wanting “more money” is not enough. Be specific. How much money? And for what – what do you want to do with it?
And most importantly, how do you want to feel when you have it? What does money mean to you? Security? Freedom?
If you want to start manifesting then getting really clear on what you want is crucial. If you only have a vague idea then you’ll only get vague results.
Yes, I know, getting this clarity can be surprisingly tricky! We’re not used to feeling into our heart and allowing ourselves to see our deepest, biggest, greatest wish. It takes courage, and honesty. Clarity of thought. And we have to know how to negotiate those voices in our mind that tell us, “don’t be silly”, “be realistic”. Or the nagging doubt deep down that tells us we don’t deserve to have our wishes come true.
So what might seem obvious at first – like, “sure, I know what I want, I want more money!” – needs some soul searching. Telling the universe that we want more money will not bring any results. Or we might find a coin on the street. After all, that IS more money!
But that is not what we meant, is it.
So we have to learn to speak the language of the universe and that means knowing what we want so clearly that we can describe it, write it down – even taste it, touch it. After all, if you can’t clearly tell the universe what you want, how can the universe give it to you?
If you’d like help getting started – or if you’re not sure you’re doing it right, because nothing is happening…. Then apply for Manifesting Mastery today! Manifest what you really want and consciously create your life!