Does Manifesting Work?
Manifesting works! Here are just a few manifesting examples that have happened to me.
These are not impossible sounding stories of how I made a million bucks at the snip of a finger. They are simple, relatable, everyday examples from my actual life.
How I manifested the perfect tenant
My most recent Manifesting Example: The Tenant
I own a place in London which I’m not using at the moment so I decided to rent it out. However, I had lived at that place for many years, it used to be my sanctuary, and I’m rather attached to it 😀
So I felt I needed the perfect tenant who would look after it and treasure it the way I had done.
Thinking about what would be ideal (this is an important first step when manifesting), I felt that a single Japanese woman would be perfect. In my view, the Japanese are so respectful, considerate, quiet, and have a kind, soft touch with everything.
I put the place on the market and I had 37 enquiries in just 5 days.
Out of those I saw 15 people. However, none of them was Japanese.
I kept giving the universe a detailed description of exactly what I wanted, however the person just didn’t manifest. I thought the universe must have other plans for me than I could envisage and when that happens I’m always happy to accept what the universe has in store for me. Sometimes the universes plans something bigger and better, sometimes there is something I need to learn.
Anyway, there were other prospective tenants who seemed suitable and I started to feel that answering all the enquiries and all the viewings was very time consuming. So I thought I would just have to settle for one of those other tenants.
However, there was one last person who had sent a very well written enquiry (very few people seem to be able to write well these days!) who seemed very promising. I thought he was Russian, because his name was Yuri. I decided he would be the last person I’d see.
When Yuri rang my door bell (very much on time, which had not always been the case with the other viewings) I was looking forward to meeting him. I live on the second floor and I was very surprised when it was not a guy coming up the stairs but a woman! AND she was not Russian – she was Japanese! Bingo!
And of course, she turned out to be everything I had dreamed of in a tenant. Quiet, considerate, respectful. And from her side, she instantly loved the apartment and the two of us got on so well, each really appreciating the other.
So she was the last person I saw and the first I offered my apartment to. When the universe delivers exactly what you want don’t hesitate to accept it with gratitude. It is meant for you.
Love Language
Love Language
I have manifested a partner who has many traits that are important to me – he’s spiritual, romantic, sexy…
However, my love language is words. And his, is gifts. Do you know about the 5 love languages?
It refers to the main way we express that we love someone. This can be done through words, acts of service (taking out the trash, fixing something in the house or on the computer…), touch, quality time, or gifts.
When you have different love languages one person expresses their love (in their language) but the other doesn’t receive it (because they don’t speak that language).
For example, my partner gives me presents to show that he’s thinking of me and loves me, but gifts don’t really mean that much to me, I need to hear the actual words. Presents don’t make me feel loved – words do.
However, he was just not that kind of guy who expresses his feelings. (Men! 🙄)
He had no pet name for me (I love being called babe, sweetheart, or other pet names) and he barely told me he loved me.
I thought about telling him what I needed to hear but then I thought, if he does actually say it it will feel so forced and artificial.
So I decided to tell the universe that what I wanted to hear from him were the words “dream woman”.
At that time it seemed completely unrealistic that he would ever say this to me.
However! Sure enough, the very next time we were together, after spending a few hours together he suddenly held me, looked at me, and said, “Babe, you are my dream woman.”
I couldn’t believe my ears! And to top it off, he then turned his face upwards like he was confirming it to the heavenly spheres, and said, “Finally! I found my dream woman!”
I felt very loved!
I know this sounds like such a cheesy story but it’s true, so I thought I’d share.
But please note that this is an unusual manifesting example because whatever we manifest cannot go against another person’s free will. So we can’t make another person say or feel or do anything they don’t want.
You can only manifest those specific people or words in your life that are actually meant for you. Read more about that here.
I asked the universe for something I didn't think it could provide
Home and Dry
During my pilgrimage around the world I travelled to Kyoto. I had been doing a lot of sight seeing there and one day found myself coming out of a subway station in an area that was completely new to me.
I was exhausted and not feeling well, coming down with a cold. To make matters worse, it started to rain heavily and I didn’t have an umbrella. I hadn’t even brought a jacket!
I felt cold and unwell and grumpy and checking the map I was still 20 minutes walk away from my hotel.
So I asked the universe for something that even I didn’t think it could provide: a warm, dry path all the way back to my accommodation.
There was nothing like that in sight.
Opposite the subway station was a tiny little outdoor market that was covered with a roof. Not much but at least it was dry here. Once there, I saw that the market carried on at the back which I hadn’t been able to see before.
However, the market street was heading in the wrong direction. Walking down it a few steps it suddenly took a sharp turn and was now actually leading in the direction I needed to go.
I kept walking and after just a minute or so, to my great surprise, the market actually continued inside! And inside it was of course not only dry but also lovely and warm!
I wondered how big this market was going to be… Well it turned out it was enormous. Yes, it led all the way back to my hotel! Where I arrived warm and dry 20 minutes later.
I was rubbing my eyes in disbelief that the universe had provided auch a miraculous answer to my request!
Ask for exactly what you want, not what seems "realistic" or "sensible"
My Dream Apartment
I moved back to Germany (after having lived abroad for 33 years) because my elderly mum needed my help.
I first stayed with her, nursing her back to health, and when she was well enough I looked for my own accommodation in nearby Hamburg.
I first stayed in various friends’ places and shared houses but they all turned out to be horrible.
When I thought about where I wanted to live all I actually knew of Hamburg was the most upmarket and fancy part of town called Blankenese. But checking the ads there was nothing available there and anyway, that part of town was very expensive.
But in any case, when manifesting it is important to ask for exactly what we want, our heart’s desire, not for what seems “realistic” or “sensible”. So I asked for a dream apartment in Blankenese that was really affordable.
Of course that was really the equivalent of asking for a miracle.
One evening I was staying over at a friend’s and it was so cold in her place, I felt terribly uncomfortable and unhappy. I started to talk to the universe, why are you giving me such a horrible deal? I did everything you asked for, I gave up my life in Bali and am looking after mum, why can’t you give me a nice place to live?
I instantly got a “reply” – a strong urge to check the accommodation ads again. I had already checked them many times but anyway, I know how the universe talks to me, through an inner voice and intuitive feelings. So I checked the ads again and there was one that just hadn’t been there before, for an apartment… in Blankenese.
I knew instantly that it was meant for me.
However, it said provide a credit history first before arranging a viewing and I didn’t have that, because I hadn’t lived in Germany for so many decades. In Germany I basically didn’t exist as a legal entity. Who would accept a new tenant without references and securities?
But I felt strong encouragement to reply to the ad anyway. By this time it was already quite late, like 10.30pm at night and I didn’t expect a reply.
However, about 20 minutes later there was an email back, saying we’d really like to meet you first thing tomorrow morning!
The landlord had googled me, seen my social media and really liked that I talked about spirituality, meditation etc.
I replied that I’d love to but I can’t provide any credit history to which they answered, it doesn’t matter, come to see us!
So I met them at 10am the next morning and by 10.05 they offered me the apartment. In Blankenese.
It is a real beauty of an apartment and to top it off the rent is really cheap. It seems impossible for such a lovely apartment in such a beautiful part of town. But yes, a true miracle.
Worrying about it had been completely unnecessary
The Landlord
After my mum sadly passed away I had to clear out her apartment. She had lived in Germany and the common agreement is that an apartment there has to be returned to the landlord in the same state it was in as on the move in date.
However, I had to sort out all my mum’s affairs by myself (I’m an only child) while I was in a state of grief and shock and I was overwhelmed by everything there was to do. So although many people told me there was no way round this, I was obligated to renovate her apartment, and I would run into serious trouble if I didn’t – I found I just couldn’t cope. I just didn’t have the energy (not to mention the money) to do it.
So when it came to handing back the keys, I asked the universe that it should send a kind person for the handover (the landlord was actually a big corporation) who would simply accept the state that the apartment was in, so that the meeting should go very smoothly. I also added that we should both really enjoy meeting each other.
At the time (Germany being very focused on rules) it seemed close to impossible.
So I was a bit nervous…
A lady came to meet me at my mum’s apartment and as soon as she stepped inside she could see that I had not renovated the place. She hesitated for a second and I held my breath.
But the place was clean, and all the holes in the walls had been kindly filled in by a neighbour (a very kind and helpful neighbour being another manifestation!).
So it seemed she simply decided to accept that this was good enough.
Just as I had requested from the universe, she was very kind. The meeting was so easy and straight forward it only took a few minutes.
I’ve included this manifesting example because I realised once again that worrying about it had been complete unnecessary.
Afterwards she wrote me an email saying that she really enjoyed meeting me.
My request was instantly answered
The Gardener - a different kind of manifesting example
I’m not religious and I’m not a member of any church. But I have a really good relationship with Jesus. After all, he really is pure love.
In my mind I tend to call him Yeshu, just to get away from all the baggage that has been added on to him over the centuries…
So when I started my year long pilgrimage to the spiritual sites around the world, I started in Israel.
I felt a strong connection when I visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which was built over the site where Jesus was crucified, laid to rest, and resurrected.
(Yes, it’s a massive big church!)
There is a tiny chapel at the heart of this massive church where Jesus was laid to rest. And where the resurrection happened.
The tiny chamber feels intimate and private. Already on my knees I bow my head and touch the marble slab with my forehead. I suddenly feel a huge wave of love flooding me. The living presence of Jesus.
I guess, the alchemy of what happened here is timeless, limitless.
You’re not allowed to stay long inside this sacred chamber so I come out shortly after, but with my heart so full. I wonder around the rest of the church in a daze, with tears still streaming down my face, because I feel so moved, so blessed.
I think about Mary Magdalene who I revere. It must have been right here that she came and found the tomb empty.
There were two angels sitting inside the tomb who she asked where Yeshu’s body had gone. It seems seeing two angels didn’t freak her out at all. I marvel at that. Maybe she saw angels all the time and talked to them everywhere.
At that time the tomb was located in a private garden, the current church was built much later. She peered out of the tomb – and saw someone wandering around the lush gardens. She calls out to him, thinking he’s the gardener.
The gardener?!
He turns to her and the two don’t recognise each other for a moment. Until they do! That must have been a moment of such joy and elation and disbelief.
Anyway, I’m getting to my manifesting story now. But all this is important because it is very much on my mind as I’m at the Pool of Bethesda a day later, just down the road from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The Pool of Bethesda used to be a very large Roman bath – so impressive that its architecture is mentioned in the bible.
But sadly, 2000 years later this “pool” is nothing but an overgrown ruin.
Walking around, I pray, “Yeshu, let me see you. I want to see you.”
And the reply comes. But you have just seen me with your heart!
I know exactly what he means. I felt his extraordinary energy of overwhelming pure love the very moment I touched his tombstone in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
But still. I want to see him – in person.
I tell him. “No I mean, let me see you with my eyes.”
So almost immediately, I kid you not, a middle aged, very worldly looking Arab man with a huge nose and a big belly comes to greet me. He’s dressed all in black, not at all good looking nor does he seem particularly holy or loving…
He beams at me and says, “Hello. I’m the gardener.”
The gardener?!
We’re in an overgrown ruin, there’s no gardening here!!
And in case I have any doubts about who this is, he adds, “I’m from Bethlehem.”
Haha, yes I get it! You, Yeshu, born in Bethlehem. Who Mary Magdalene mistook for the gardener…
Very funny! But you look so… so… un-Jesus-like.
I don’t recognize you!
He just looks at me, jolly and unfazed by me not uttering a word. He has another message:
“There’s lots of fruit by that tree over there, do you need any?”
I just stare at him. Speechless, no words. So he smiles and says, “I’m going for a walk now. Bye.”
I look over to where he gestured for the fruit and as I look forward again he has disappeared.
I just gape after him. What?!
My request got answered instantly – but I couldn’t see Jesus in that man at all!
But then neither could Mary Magdalene at first, so it seems I’m in good company.
Kristina Day
Kristina is a manifesting mentor, spiritual life coach, and author on Audible who has been pursuing a spiritual path for over 30 years, coaching and teaching on spiritual topics from how to meditate to how to manifest. If you want to learn how manifesting works check out her program Manifesting Mastery 2.0