The Meaning Of Manifesting
Does this sound scary to you, or complicated – or too good to be true?
Or does it sound like an empowering concept?
The truth is, life is a co-creation. It is created in equal measures by the universe/source/God and our own mind.
But right now, more often than not we’re leaving this creation completely to chance. We don’t ask the universe for anything specific, nor do we clearly know what it is we want.
We don’t know what we want
Not true, you say? You know what you want – more money, success, true love?
But what do you mean?
- If you find a lost coin on the street then that IS more money.
- If you make a suggestion and you boss likes it that is success.
- If your dog loves you that really is true love.
How To Start Manifesting
Manifesting Money
- Step 1 : Get clear on what you want
Next, ask yourself what you want to do with the money.
Start with one specific thing.
You can always add more later, there are no limits. But for now, let’s start with one thing.
For example, you may want to pay off your debt.
Or you may want enough money to send your kids to college, or to take a trip around the world, or to buy a new home. Whatever it is, have a clear use for the money in mind.
- Step 2 : Ask
- asking for something specific
- visualizing what you want
- feeling how you want to feel.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, sigh it out, and then relax.
"Dear universe, I have a huge desire to pay off all my debt before the fall. Please send me X amount of money [be specific] to clear my debt by September."
- Step 3 : Let go of the HOW
Don’t worry about how your wishes will manifest in your life. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how this money will come to you, or how any of what you wish to manifest will happen.
Don’t HOW your way through life.
We are tinier than a grain of sand compared to the size and power of the universe. The universe knows no limits.
Life is a co-creation and the “how” is the universe’s part. Let it surprise you!
Watch for signs.
The universe often tries out different ways of working with you, looking at what you’re receptive to.
Write down what it is you want to receive and how you want to feel.
Then a month later look back at what has happened.
You will find there have already been changes in your life, be they big or small, where you’ve started to feel how you wanted to feel. You might find that the sense of achievement or comfort sets in even before the amount of money you wanted has arrived.
Notice this and tell the universe you are open to more of this!
Manifesting Love
- Step 1 : Get clear on what you want
If you want to feel safe, is that with someone who is physically big and strong? Or with someone who earns a lot of money?
Or perhaps someone who is loyal and trustworthy? What makes you feel safe?
What makes you feel supported?
When there is dinner on the table when you come home at night? Or when your partner gets a second job to bring home more money?
The important thing is to be honest with yourself and get really clear on what you want to feel. Then you can ask the universe to provide just that person!
In general, we all receive and give love in one (or more) of these ways:
- Through words
- Touch
- Acts of service
- Presents
- Quality time
Be clear on your own love language, how you give and show that you love. And get clear on how you want to receive love.
- Step 2 : Ask
- asking for something specific
- visualizing what you want
- feeling how you want to feel.
Then state your request. This can be done in your thoughts or out loud, but use actual words and sentences even if you’re just thinking them. Like so:
“Dear universe, I am open and ready to receive love. Please send me a man/a woman who … [be specific].”
Here is an example of what you could say:
"Dear universe, I am open and ready to receive love. Please send me a guy who is sexy and who loves and accepts my body as is.
A guy who sees and acknowledges me and can talk about his feelings.
A man who takes action, sorts out problems, and can handle conflict with courage and wisdom.
- Step 3 : Let Go
Now that you’re clear about your dream and have sent the message to the Universe, surrender.
Let go.
Release your wish to the Universe and trust the process.
It’s not your job to know how this dream will manifest. This is the part for the universe to do. Know that life happens for you not to you and the Universe is working in your favour!
Two pitfalls to avoid
1: Ask for what you want, not what you don’t want. Avoid words like no, not, don’t, no more, never etc.
For example, don’t say, I want a guy who would never hurt me. Instead say, I want a guy who treasures me and respects my feelings.
So instead of just the generic words abundant and wealthy, say what this means to you specifically.
E.g. I want to feel abundant and wealthy with savings that are always above X [specific amount] in my bank account. While you say it immerse yourself in the feeling of abundance that this amounts gives you.
Second pitfall to avoid: Feeling guilty for asking. Or feeling unworthy of receiving.
The universe is helping us all the time anyway. It would rather give us what we want than guess. It wants to work with us.
You are not a burden and you are not asking for too much.
And you are not taking anyone else’ share. There is enough for everyone.
The universe has created planets made entirely of gold and others where it rains diamonds (yes, really). That’s the level of abundance the universe creates. Whatever you’re asking is fine. You’re allowed.
Ways to make it easier: how to keep the momentum going in everyday life
Write down your dream scenarios and include how you want to feel (that’s important!). Then once a month, look over your manifesting goals and see what has already come into your life, including how you now feel. The more you see that your manifesting works the more confidence you will gain that you really can manifest anything.
Is Manifesting A Real Thing?
There is no absolute, objective world “out there”. Everything is relative, everything we perceive goes through the filter of our own mind.
There is no such thing as a good movie or the perfect pair of jeans or a terrible meal as such – we all have such different perceptions of good and bad.
Even things that you might think would scare everyone and be perceived as “universally bad” such as losing your job isn’t met with the same reaction by everyone.
We all know people who were glad to get redundancy money and finally start their own business, or cut the commute and look for a job closer to home, or go into early retirement.
Others throw in the towel.
Some people are always optimistic, others always complain. We think we have no choice, that is “just the way we are” or worse, that’s just the way the world is.
But then, why doesn’t everyone have the same reaction as we do? The truth is, we make choices and with that we create how the world looks to us. We create our own reality.
Short Guided Manifesting Meditation
Connect to your soul and manifest your heart’s deepest desire.
Work on your money mindset
Examine your own beliefs. We all hold strong beliefs in our subconscious that we act on, without questioning or examining them.
Often when we unearth them they can’t withstand logical analysis, they seem “silly” in the light of day. Which is another reason why we don’t dig them out to question them – but we still act on them, subconsciously!
How does that feel?
What are the thoughts that accompany being given a million dollars?
Work on your love mindset
Now try out different scenarios – make the person in your mind’s eye incredibly handsome or beautiful.
Do you feel the luckiest person alive?
Or do you feel uncomfortable, ugly even or unsure what they want with “someone like you”? Or do you feel suspicious that they won’t stay long term, or that you will have so many “competitors”?
Are you a worrier?
Why Manifesting Doesn’t Work Sometimes
Sometimes we’re not specific enough. Sometimes we sabotage ourselves with our underlying beliefs in negative consequences (see above) if what we want would actually come true. And sometimes it just take the universe more time to deliver.
Manifesting Examples
I have been single for quite a while – and I actually like it.
But I recently realized that I needed to be in a relationship to tackle some issues in my own mindset that were holding me back.
I was becoming too focused on myself and needed to practice committing to another person, being there for someone else. I also needed things to be shaken up in my routine and not only live according to my own rules.
And the universe sent me a (female) room mate!
What I had really wanted was a romantic relationship!
But I had forgotten to mention this detail in my request to the universe… So that didn’t manifest.
What manifested was an awesome fun roommate who was very lively and energetic and often needed me to be there for her. The exact thing I had asked for.
Now over to you! Have you managed to manifest what you want? Or did you manifest something you didn’t actually want in that way? I respond to every comment.