How do you manifest money?
Almost all of us feel we’d like to have more money. And yes, it is absolutely possible to manifest money.
So if money is not coming to you right now, why is that?
Let’s look at that.
There can be two fundamental problems.
What does money mean to you?
1. You're Not Communicating Clearly With The Universe
Vague ideas bring vague results.
If you’re asking for “more money” then the universe has no idea what you mean.
It might direct you to finding more coins on the street because after all, that is “more money”!
So to actually manifest money we need to be more specific.
First of all, what does money mean to you?
Does money mean more security to you? Or freedom? Or power? Control?
These are all quite different things.
So the first step to manifest money is to get really clear how you want to FEEL when you have more wealth.
Secure, independent, confident, powerful, successful, free, adventurous, desirable?
Money can buy so many things – and therefore mean so many things.
To help you get clarity what money means to YOU, the following questions can be useful.
- What do you want the money for? Maybe you simply want the money in your bank account as a buffer, so you’re not constantly worrying about how to pay the bills? Making you feel safe?
- Or do you want to have enough money to give up the day job so you can be self employed and realise your dream of being an artist or a coach, helping people? Making you feel you’re living your purpose?
- Or you want to be your own boss? Making you feel successful?
- Do you want to go travelling full time or take a holiday of a lifetime? Making you feel free?
- Do you want to show off to your neighbours and have a bigger pool? A designer dress? Fancy nights out at exclusive clubs or upscale restaurants?
- Or do you want to make your dad proud by showing him you’ve made it? Making you feel acknowledged, or worthy?
It’s OK – these are all valid reasons!
The only thing that’s important is to be really honest with yourself.
Nobody else needs to know about this but you.
Everything is allowed.
Write down what money means to you in one sentence.
If you can write it down in one short simple honest sentence then you have real clarity.
You’ll also have learned something essential about who you are.
There is a barrier that we put up
2. Deep Down You Feel Uncomfortable With Money
I know this sounds crazy.
But whenever manifesting doesn’t work it’s always because deep down there is a barrier that we put up.
A barrier that prevents us from receiving.
The universe wants to give us what we want!
In fact, if we’re an energetic match there is an irresistible, unstoppable flow of money that simply comes to us.
That is why the rich attract money with such ease and always get richer.
If this stream is blocked then that is because we don’t let it flow.
This is of course quite unconscious.
Obviously, we would not consciously say no to more money, wealth, and abundance.
But deep down, we hold very subtle views, convictions, habitual ways of thinking that get in the way of manifesting money.
Here are some examples.
- We might feel we don’t deserve it. There is a conviction that money is “hard earned” – and we haven’t worked hard enough. It cannot simply flow to us effortlessly. Believing that it could just come to us with ease would be “stupid” or “crazy”.
- Maybe there’s a simple belief that “people like us” simply aren’t cut out to be rich. It wouldn’t be right. Our family never had much money and that was fine. They did alright.
- And anyway, spiritual people aren’t meant to be rich. We have a nobler cause.
- Money is dirty, somehow. Or a distraction. Or not important. Not focusing on money is so much more dignified. It makes us a better, superior person.
- People who like money are hollow and superficial. It’s embarrassing to say that we like money.
- Or maybe we have a resentment towards the rich, however faint. Maybe we describe the wealthy as “filthy rich”. Or we feel rich people always accumulate their wealth on the back of “hard working honest people” who they exploit. Or they all “dodge paying taxes”. Or they are lazy and useless, having inherited the money without having to lift a finger.
- Maybe deep down we fear some unknown negative consequences. If we were rich we’d be so different from all our friends. They might be jealous and not like us anymore – and we’d end up all alone. Or they might ask us for money and that would be so awkward.
Manifesting is inner work
These are just examples but if you’re really honest with yourself some of these might already resonate with you.
If any of them made you laugh that can also be a good indication that they triggered a personal truth in you that is deeply hidden.
That’s ok, money is a hugely emotional subject and it triggers a lot of stuff in us!
The truth is, we all have hang-ups about money.
The key to manifesting money is to find the specific beliefs that block the flow of wealth and abundance coming to you.
So it may be surprising that manifesting is not about day dreaming, or wishing on a star, or saying more affirmations.
It is, in fact, inner work.
This is why I became a coach.
To first do the work myself and then help other people do it.
The great news is that if we’re willing to do this work we will have money come to us quite effortlessly. (Yes really.)
AND not only that but in the process we’ll clear so many hang-ups in us – wounds, traumas, and beliefs that hold us back.
So when we do this work we literally become better people all round.
We become easier to live with, more inspirational for other people, and so much happier in ourselves.
Our whole life becomes better. So doing this work is so worth it!
If you don’t know where to start… or you’re not sure you’re doing it right, because nothing is happening – let me help you.
Manifest what you really want and consciously create your life. Apply for Manifesting Mastery today!
Read more about Manifesting Wealth here
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