How To Attract Wealth
In 3 Easy Steps
The secret to manifesting wealth
If you don't feel wealthy you will not attract more wealth
Three Steps To Become A Match For Manifesting Wealth
1. Pay close attention to your attitude towards money and wealth
- When you shop do you look at the price first? Are you often looking for bargains and special offers? Is it hard for you to treat yourself
to something special – maybe a massage, or a special meal? How do you feel around spending money, especially large amounts for something “frivolous” that is a treat but maybe not strictly speaking necessary. Does it make you feel guilty or worried about being “wasteful” or that money will run out and then you’ll regret having spent it this way?
- How do you behave in wealthy environments like a designer shop, in the lobby of a five-star hotel, or an upmarket restaurant? Do you feel out of place, uncomfortable, flustered?Or do you become critical about those environments and the people there, judging or disliking them?
- Or maybe you simply feel that plain, no-frills places suit you so much better, because they are so much more genuine or relatable or non-threatening? Or maybe you feel some pride of being at home in more simple, down to earth shops and neighbourhoods, because these are full of honest, hardworking people like you?
- Just become aware of these fundamental emotions and attitudes.
In this first step we’re just getting to know who we really are when we shine a
spotlight on our thoughts on wealth.
- Some of it can be quite judgemental and leaning towards negativity when it comes to money. Just notice this.
- Perhaps you are quite the opposite of the examples above – you feel really good about treating yourself to special and expensive things but you feel uncomfortable when the money just “sits there” in your bank account? You just can’t hang on to money. As soon as you have it it burns a hole in your pocket and you just have to spend it. Like something is wrong with you having money, so you just have to get rid of it?
2. Practice a new attitude
Would you like to go shopping without looking at the price? Would you like to be able stay in a lavish hotel or treat yourself to a luxurious spa day without guilt?
- If you want to live in a wealthier neighbourhood go to house showings in that neighbourhood. It won’t cost you anything – just go round your dream house and see how it feels. Imagine living there – does it feel far too big, too lavish, too fancy? Or can you see yourself enjoying living there?
- If you like to become a match for lavish places go inside a 5-star hotel and just sit in the lobby. You don’t have do or order anything – nobody will check up on you. But if the mere thought makes you very uncomfortable then clearly you are not yet a match for these sorts of wealthy environments that you aspire to. If it feels exhilarating and you like being there you are becoming a match and hanging out in these places will become the new normal for you. Soon you will not accept anything less.
- The same goes for upmarket restaurants. Why not choose a really lavish place the next time you have a catch up with a friend? Just having a coffee won’t break the bank.
- There are many ways to upgrade at low cost or even for free. You can get samples for high-end cosmetics, face creams, expensive perfumes. You may even already have these in your bathroom – but never used them because you’re waiting for the right time or a special occasion. Well, now is the right time! Treat yourself – the occasion is, becoming a match for the lifestyle that you want.
If it feels good and like you belong here tell the universe, I love this, I’m open to more of this!
3. Hand it over to the universe
Are you a match for attracting wealth?
Note that what we are going for here is merely a feeling of “this is doable, this feels right, I belong here”.
In other words, an energetic match.
We are not going for working out the steps how exactly this will come into your life.
The HOW, how this wealth will come into your life is something the universe will work out. This is not your responsibility. It is something we will let the universe do.
So it is very important to differentiate between being an energetic match on the one hand, which means not putting up any subconscious barriers towards receiving. And on the other hand, working out HOW we will make this happen.
Be specific
- Decide on the actual amounts, or scenarios you want to manifest. What will make you feel wealthy? What feels right?
- Be specific not only with the amount but also how you will know that you have it. E.g. will it be in your bank account, or will it be a pay rise stated in your employment contract, or are you paid this money as a commission or bonus? Or even handed it in cash?
- Then do a little meditation, visualising what you want, feeling what you want to feel, and handing over your request to the universe. You can read a transcript of a possible meditation here.
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