Manifesting Someone
Do you have a crush on someone and you want to manifest a relationship with them?
Whether that’s a celebrity or someone you know. You feel they’re the love of your life and you just know you’d be their dream partner.
If only they knew you existed, right?
We’ve all been there…
If you’re trying to manifest someone, or a relationship with a specific person, here is what you can do.
How do you want to feel?
Manifesting starts with having clarity about what you want. Just thinking “I want person XZY in my life” is actually too vague.
When it comes to love and relationships, it’s all about how we want to feel.
So focus on getting clear on how this person makes you feel, even if this is just in your phantasies. Beautiful? Hot? Special, like “the chosen one”? Understood? Heard and seen, acknowledged?
Be really honest with yourself. Anything is allowed! This is completely safe, it is just a mental exercise, nobody else needs to know. It is strictly between you and the universe.
So open yourself to your wildest dreams. Your deepest heart desires.
Visualise the electricity going through you when your hands touch, or your lips. How special you feel when you walk round town arm in arm. How in synch you feel when you say the same things at the same time. How safe when you snuggle up on the sofa watching TV. How at home you feel with the other person when you cook together.
Or what do YOU dream of? These are just examples. What is it that YOU want? What is your ideal scenario? Get really clear on this, no holds barred.
Yes, there’s a but.
Focus on yourself and your own feelings. Not on the feelings of the other person.
We can manifest any feelings we want to feel in our lives.
We can manifest feeling attractive, sexy, confident, magnetic, charismatic, beautiful, cute, feminine, strong, happy…
But we cannot manifest how other people feel.
We all have free will. Including that specific person that you fancy.
Free Will In Manifesting
Free will is the overriding principle operating on this planet. We cannot go against that. Nor would we want to.
We wouldn’t want to put spells or black magic on someone who doesn’t want to be with us.
We want someone who genuinely loves us for who we are and who is with us because they want to be. Who is attracted to us, adores us, and makes us feel great, because of who we are.
Just imagine how poisonous it would be if you were never sure
if that person truly loved, appreciated, and respected you – for you.
If you could never be sure if they were honestly drawn to you. Doubt and frustration would eat away at you and ultimately destroy any connection that may have existed. It would destroy any chance of a genuine relationship between you from the outset.
So we wouldn’t want to go anyone’s free will. And in fact we can’t. Anything that is forced, fabricated, or based on deceit will never last.
So we can only manifest a relationship with a specific person
if they are really meant for us.
How to manifest your ideal partner
If they are not meant for us then the fact that we cannot force them into our lives avoids a lot of unhappiness. Not just for them – but for us!
The good news is you can absolutely manifest someone who makes you feel everything that you believe your crush would make you feel!
You can absolutely manifest your ideal partner.
Just not a specific person.
So, do visualize yourself in your ideal scenario, quite possibly being with your crush but know that they’re quite possibly only a “placeholder” to show the universe – “someone like this or better”.
Don’t focus on the specific person, focus on the way they make you feel – desired, loved, needed, seen, heard, your best self, clever, safe, beautiful…
And when you are in that elevated state of feeling all the feelz then hand it over to the universe. Tell the universe, “this is how I want to feel, I’m open to more of this”.
And then let go.
Leave it with the universe.
It is our job to get really clear on what we want. It is the universe’s job to work out HOW this will come into our life.
The universe is limitless and full of endless possibilities. It is so creative that it can come up with solution that you could never imagine. So let it.
This is important.
If we’re too caught up in wanting a very specific result we restrict the possibilities that the universe can come up with. Let go and give the universe the space and the freedom to surprise you.
In the weeks that follow makes sure you journal. Don’t write down wanting to manifest a relationship with that specific person, but write down how you want to feel.
And then journal when those feelings start to come into your life.
Because they will.
Make sure you acknowledge them – keep telling the universe, yes this is what you wanted and you’re open to more of this.
The truth is, if they’re not right for you the universe might not bring that specific person into your life.
But it will bring someone into your life that makes you feel exactly the way you want to feel.
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